Making Africa's Population

An Asset

APG Board Meeting:
The Board met on 6
October 2020, to
review the draft annual
report on Making
Africa’s Population…
High Profile Visit to the
Africa Progress Group
The immediate past
Prime Minister of
Ethiopia, Hailemariam

APG Leaders Meeting
The leadership of APG
and staff of APP
attended a meeting in
Abeokuta (onsite and
virtual) on 12-13…

About the Group

The Africa Progress Group (APG) consists of six distinguished individuals from the private and public sector who advocate for equitable and sustainable development for Africa. General Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of Nigeria, chairs the APG and is closely involved in its day-to-day work.

The life experiences of Group members give them a formidable capability to access the worlds of politics, business, diplomacy and civil society at the highest levels in Africa and across the globe. As a result, the Panel functions in a unique policy space with the ability to influence diverse decision-makers.

The Panel builds coalitions to leverage and broker knowledge and to convene decision-makers to create change in Africa. The Group has extensive networks of policy analysts and think tanks across Africa and the world. By bringing together the latest thinking from these knowledge and political networks, the APG contributes to generating evidence-based policies that can drive the transformation of the continent.

Latest News

APG Board Meeting: The Board met on 6 October 2020, to review the draft annual report on Making Africa’s Population…

High Profile Visit to the Africa Progress Group The immediate past Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn,…

APG Leaders Meeting The leadership of APG and staff of APP attended a meeting in Abeokuta (onsite and virtual) on 12-13…


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